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Class Schedule

PCLA administration reserves the right to limit the number of students in a class. In the event that a class becomes full, a waiting list may be created. PCLA administration also reserves the right to cancel, combine, or reschedule classes.  Additional classes may be created as needed. Parents are responsible for providing all textbooks. Please see Course Catalogue for all class descriptions, pre-requisites and curriculum.

Printable Class Schedule

11 - 12

4/5 Art


Drop Class

12:30 - 2:30

4/5 Math

Lessons will include place value, Roman numerals, addition & subtraction, multiplication & division, equations, geometry, time & measurement, ratios, proportions, percent’s, fractions, decimals, and integers.

8 - 10

Honors Chemistry

The course covers significant figures, units, classification, the mole concept, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, redox reactions, solutions, atomic structure, Lewis structures, molecular geometry, the gas laws, and equilibrium. Course will include lectures and labs.

8 -10

World History

This course recounts the story of mankind from creation to the present. Students examine ancient civilizations through the Greeks to the Roman Empire. Then they survey India, Asia, and Africa on their way to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation, upon which modern history is founded. They are challenged to discover the forces, issues, people, and movements that have shaped our modern world. God’s providence and Bible integration are given prominence as the students are taught to view the world through a Christian lens.

8 - 9

4/5 Grammar

Lessons will cover parts of speech, sentence structure, and rules of capitalization and punctuation. Basic elements of writing will be introduced as students learn to model original works using the imitation method.

12:30 - 2:30

Earth Science

In this course, students will find that Earth Science is also a battle of worldviews. Students will be introduced to the secular theories of where everything they see came from. Students’ Christian worldviews will be shaped and strengthened as they learn about tectonic processes, landforms and earth materials, fossils, the oceans and oceanography, rivers and lakes, the atmosphere, weather and storms, climate and environmentalism, the solar system, the universe and cosmology, and space science. It is important that students read the material before class each week. Experiments will be done both in class and at home.
10 - 12

Honors Physical Science

Course discusses such topics as the property of matter, elementary chemistry, structure and interactions of matter, chemical and non-chemical combinations of matter, elementary physics including forms of energy, mechanics, electromagnetics, wave theory, and optics.
10 - 11

4/5 History

This course begins with the time period before Europeans came to what is now the U.S. and takes students on an exciting journey through the history of the people, places, and events that shaped U.S. history until the late 1800s.

9 - 10

4/5 Science

Topics covered in our science units will include rocks and minerals, matter and energy, weather, biomes, ecosystems, sound and light, respiratory and circulatory systems.

9 - 10

Middle School Composition I: Introduction to Writing

Students will learn basic elements of writing such as writing basic sentences, writing paragraphs, and writing essays. Grammar will be enriched through sentence combining, modeling and editing. Students will have a chance to enhance writing knowledge through subject writing, creative writing and reports.

12:30 - 2:30
LA3B – H

Honors World Literature and Composition

This course will broaden students' understanding of a wide range of literary classics through critical thinking, and by focusing on excellence in communication through both the written and spoken word. Students will study and interpret works in light of a biblical worldview. This course is a complete Language Arts course.
8 - 9

Middle School Composition II: Extending the Writing Process

Students will review basic writing skills using a literature approach, in addition to traditional writing exercises. Topics covered will include: expository, narrative, and persuasive writing; research papers, including citation of sources; and poetry. Several classic short stories, poems, and novels will be studied.

2:30 - 3:30

MS World Geography

This course is designed to increase the student’s understanding and knowledge of world geography and all of its factors. Students will be exposed to the “5 themes” of geography incorporating not only maps, map skills, and location but also the effects of human interaction, history, and culture. Assignments will include basic text book assignments, practical application activities and geographical projects.
10 - 12
LA3D – H

Honors British Literature and Composition

Discusses literature selections and cultural issues from eight literary periods in light of Scripture: Old English, Middle English, Tudor, Stuart, Neoclassical, Romantic, Victorian, and Modern. Traces English Christianity from its beginning to the present and studies the Shakespearean drama Macbeth. This class will give students the unique opportunity to read and discuss literature in a small classroom setting while providing an in-depth study of Grammar, Vocabulary, and Composition. This course is a complete Language Arts course.
10 - 12

Honors Pre-Algebra

Eases students into algebraic thinking by introducing the concept of variables early, then emphasizing equation-solving procedures throughout the remaining chapters. Reviews and builds on traditional arithmetic skills and includes a consumer- related application of math to everyday life.


Journalism and Publications (online only)

Students will work on all aspects of the PCLA yearbook. This course may be taken multiple times.

10 - 12

Math Fundamentals

Explains whole numbers, number theory, equations, decimals, integers, fractions, basic geometry.

2:30 - 4:30

High School Spanish 1

Designed to provide students with the vocabulary and grammar skills they need to create language for communication. Students will converse, read and write in Spanish. Culture studies are integrated throughout.

12:30 - 2:30

High School Spanish 2

A continuation of the skills and culture studies begun in Spanish 1, the text uses less English and more Spanish in its pedagogy, reflecting student progress in the language. Meets the standards for Foreign Language Learning set forth by the ACTFL.

8 - 10

Honors Algebra 1

This course continues into the practical methods of solving first- and second-degree equations and inequalities. Algebraic skills are introduced in logical order: relations, functions, graphing, and systems of equations, radicals, factoring polynomials, rational equations, and quadratic functions. Contains review questions that refresh the memory without wearying the mind. It also includes word problems and special interest sections on computer technology and famous mathematicians.

2:30 - 4:30

Honors Algebra 2

Mathematical contributions of various cultures provide the theme for this continuing journey into algebra. The first seven chapters provide thorough review of basic skills, including detailed studies of linear equations and functions, polynomials, factoring, quadratic equations and functions, systems of equations, and radicals, then progresses to topics such as complex numbers, rational expressions and equations, conic sections, trigonometry, exponents and logarithms, matrices, and probability.
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